Possible Multipliers

See below for all of the multipliers that can currently be active.

Party Hat Multiplier

  • 1.05x multiplier on Essence and Arena Tokens earned

  • Must own at least one Party Hat of any color

Blast Multiplier

  • 1.05x multiplier on Essence earned

  • Requires 30k Blast held in wallet

Rolling 24hr Leaderboard Multiplier

  • 1.1x to 1.5x multiplier on Essence earned

  • Be in the top 50 of the rolling leaderboard

Duel Squad Multiplier

  • Up to a 2.5x Multiplier on Essence earned

  • You can create a Duel Squad for yourself and still win the multipliers

Excalibur Multiplier

  • 1.5x multiplier on Essence earned, while the current winner of Excalibur

Last updated