3/5 - Changelog
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Rewards Changes (Temporary - Public Launch)
The reward changes make it easier for F2P players to get involved ahead of our Gold Rush preseason.
Base Essence Points reward for all duels (incl. fun duels) is now 3 EP per win, 1 EP per loss
Increased Essence Points scaling for ETH duels from
stakeAmountEth * 1200
tostakeAmountEth * 1500
Reduced the Arena Token rewards for fun / token duels to 30 tokens per loss, 75 tokens per win.
Note: Cambria reserves the right to permanently ban or heavily discount the Essence Points of any account suspected of botting the duel rewards. Our Blast Gold incentive program is subject to change at any point.
Rewards Fixes
Fixed issue where winner vs loser rewards were swapped
Add a floor to ETH staked duel rewards to always be higher than fun/token duels
Fix Blast Hood
Correctly update Blast Charge amount on login
Correctly label the "Legendary" and "Rare" Blast charge rewards
Decimal input on Arena Token offer
Prevent following in duel
Recover Duels fixes
Fix duel button overlapping in spectator mode
Fixed chat text shadow for titles
Show Excalibur snow-capped icon only while snow is falling
Thousands seperators in Blast USD balance
Last updated