Cores & Shards
First Version
Adjusted Higher-Tier Core Utility section
Cores are a collection of 10,000 Factory NFTs that allow players to directly own the issuance of new in-game Companions ("pets"), Skins (cosmetics), Lootboxes, and other future assets.
What are Cores? đĩī¸
Cores are graded into 4 tiers:
Normal Core (Tier 1) - 80% of supply
8000 Total
Enhanced Core (Tier 2) - 15%
1500 Total
Mystic Core (Tier 3) - 4%
400 Total
Arcane Core (Tier 4) - 1%
100 Total
Once staked, Cores generate various Shards every hour. Shards are a soulbound resource that can be spent to mint new NFTs to each child collection (Companions, Skins, etc.). Shards are associated with a wallet and any earned Shards are kept even if Cores are un-staked or transferred. Shards are soulbound and cannot be sold or transferred. Cores generate both Shards types when staked. Cores can be staked or unstaked at any time. Shard generation for each Core begins 24 hours after a Core is staked and continues until it is unstaked.
Shard Types
There are two main shard types in the current scope. These include:
Companion Shards
Skin Shards
Shard Yield Factor *ī¸âŖ
Shard Yield Factor is a realtime metric that represents a player's Shard generation rate based on their current Cores NFT ownership. This factor is composed of the individual Shard emission rate for each core, which is equal to the Base Shard Rate (e.g. 1 Shard / day) multiplied by the Base Rate Multiplier, which is based on the Core's Tier.
Normal Core
Enhanced Core
Mystic Core
Arcane Core
Your current Shard Yield Factor can be visible on the Cores dashboard in the Cambria lobby. Base Shard Rates will default to 1 for both Shard types. Holding multiple Cores just adds their Shard Rates together, there are no multiplicative factors in having cores of different tiers.
Higher-Tier Core Utility
Exclusive Core-gated Skins, Pets, and other unlocks
Holding a Core above Tier 1 will grant the player access to exclusive Skins, Companions, and other unlocks. Your current Highest Core Tier across your collection is visible on the Core Dashboard. Qualification for tier-exclusive mint opportunities will be based on the highest tier Core held by the player. Some of these opportunities will additionally be one-time only - to access these one-time mints, the relevant Core must have been staked for at least 30 days prior. Note that Core-gated opportunities are a separate category from the rest of the limited time skins, Lootboxes, companions, etc. that form the large majority of the skin / companion trading economy (see Skins đ§ for more). Core-gated assets are non-transferable (soulbound) on mint (with a few exceptions).
Note: Holding a Founder NFT will apply a discount to the high Shard costs of Core-gated opportunities, up to 90% (based on Loyalty Score).
Highest Core Tier may also be used in the design of other future cosmetic-related systems. Higher tier Cores will additionally unlock unique badges (achievements) on your profile.
Shard Participation Incentives
Using and accumulating Shards will increase a variety of player scores in game that are a bonus factor in the Cambria airdrop. These scores are further extended with various Founder Scroll entries.
Companions, Companion Shard Costs, etc.
See Companions đ§
Skins, Shard Shard Costs, etc.
See Skins đ§
Release Timeline đ¨
12/27/24 - Shard Metadata revealed
Jan 2025 - Staking Contract goes live, Companion Shard & Skin Shard emission begins
Jan / Feb 2025 - Companions v1 goes live, Companions NFT contract deployed to Ronin, Companion Shards can be used to mint new Companions
Q1 2025 - Skins go live, Skin Shards can be used across a variety of Skin release mechanisms
Contracts (WIP)
Cores-related contracts are currently pending audit. Full contract code will be released soon. Contracts will be deployed on the Ronin blockchain.
Design Guidance
Cores & related mechanisms are in v0 / EARLY DESIGN phase. As such, designs may change at any time. If major design changes occur after the initial deployment of related contracts, v2/v3 etc staking contracts may be deployed that implement updated logic and affect Shard supply. Any design changes will be pre-announced at least 3 days ahead of details about the change being released, and at least 7 days ahead of the change being deployed.
As the ecosystem matures and Core-related systems progress past v0 stages, we plan on adding more governance and structure around material changes to shard emissions, shard sinks, utility, etc.
Last updated