Companions NFT
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Companions are traded on the Ronin NFT Marketplace on the Ronin network. Note that Companions is an unlimited supply collection, minted programmatically by Cores stakers spending Shards.
Cambria Companions are intelligent and adaptive ingame followers with both convenience & cosmetic utility. As tradeable NFTs, Companions are minted with a set of variable traits (metadata) that dictate their archetype (appearance in game), name, catchphrases, personality, and other attributes.
In v1, there are 6 archetypes: Canine, Griffin, Male Citizen, Female Citizen, Wyvern (more to come).
The only way that new Companions can be created is via Companion Summoning.
With Summoning, Cores holders spend their Shards (a resource earned from staking Cores) to summon a random Companion with procedurally generated traits, which is then directly minted to the Companions NFT collection. They can then trade that Companion on the secondary market with other players.
Summon your Companion via the Companion Dashboard
Companion summoning costs (in Shards) utilize realtime Dynamic Pricing with a modified implementation of a Variable Rate Gradual Dutch Auction (VRGDA). Rather than a pure VRGDA to output a mint price directly, Companions have an initial base price of 50 shards, which is then discounted or marked-up based on the VRGDA as a multiplier. This allows an intuitive pricing dynamic that responds well over the long term with coreâs continuous shard generation, without freezing out new playersâ access to companions.
For example, if 100 companions are minted per day (double the target rate of 50) over 7 days, then the shard price for a companion on day 7 will be 100 (double the base shard price). Alternatively, if 0 companions are minted per day over 7 days, the mint price will be discounted to half of the base price, 25 shards for one companion. There is no limit to how many companions can be minted per day as long as you have the shards, the price will just keep going up per companion minted.
Companions provide a variety of ingame convenience utility ("Perks"). These perks are not intended to significantly impact game balance or competitive economics - instead, they either save time, skip constraints, or serve as "smart assistance" - serving up info or functionality that is technically still available without the Perks, just with a bit more manual intervention or friction.
Perks have a "rarity" descriptor which determines the likelihood that a Companion will roll into that perk. The current rarity distribution is - Common (50%), Rare (30%), Epic (15%), and Legendary (5%).
Companions can roll multiple perks. The current perk quantity distribution is - 1 Perk (50%), 2 perks (25%), 3 perks (15%), 4 perks (7%), 5 perks (3%).
To get unlock / get access to a specific Perk ingame, you only need to have 1 or more pet that has that Perk in its traits.
[1.0] Bank All (Epic)
Send all Inventory items to bank from anywhere inside of a Major City (Capital, New Mortis, Dreadfort)
[2.0] Remote Crafting (Rare)
On trigger, player can interact with any of the refining buildings (Crafting, Alchemy, Smithing, Engineering, Cooking) via a number hotkey, anywhere inside of a Major City.
[3.0] Remote General Store (Rare)
On trigger, a ghost storekeeper appears, allowing the player to open up the General Store shop to buy or sell. Only usable inside of Major Cities.
[4.0] Auto Pickup (Legendary)
When within 3 tiles away from an item, auto pickup the item into the inventory. Players can specify specific types of items to pickup, min base gold value, etc.
[5.0] Offscreen Indicators (Common)
UI Indicator of relevant (damaged or taken damage from) entities that are offscreen but still within the player's vision range. Tracks their HP and relative position in real time.
Expanded Bank Space
Bank Tabs
Preset / Loadouts
Faster Focus Point Regen
Threat Detection & Alerting
Preconfigured Action sequences with Keybinds
Pathfinding Assistance
Companions that you own will be available in the new in-game Companion tab for you to summon. Companions will follow you around when summoned, and have additional interactivity - catchphrases, flourish (flex) animation triggers, interactions, dialogs, and more. You can also open the currently selected companion's profile to view all of its metadata / traits. Note that Companions ingame are purely cosmetic and do not have any game impact, besides the perks that they enable.
If you do not want to see Companions in game, you can turn off the visual display of both your own Companions and/or other Companions owned by others via a Display setting in game. Any Perks enabled will still be active.
For full documentation on Companion NFT traits ("metadata"), see Companion Traits.
Founders will always have access to the Falcon Companion ingame. These Companions derive from ownership of the Founder NFT and are not actual Companion NFTs in the collection.
Falcons currently have a single perk - Fetch. This perk is hotkeyed and can be used to select any item on the ground within a very large radius to pickup. On command, the Falcon will fly to the item and retrieve it, ignoring any collisions (this can also be used to retrieve otherwise inaccessible Ground Item spawns, many of which are scattered around the map in Gold Rush).
Clara's Emporium is a bazaar located near the southwest Bank in the Capital City, where you can get matched with a potential companion, check on Perks that you have enabled, and find out more about the companion system from Clara - a friendly matchmaker that has her hands full with the hundreds of new citizens and fantastical creatures swarming into New Cambria from the docks just south of the Capital City.
What are "pending" Shards?
A: During the minting process, you may be prompted to claim shards. This is due to some weirdness in calculating rewards in Solidity. Essentially, your shards are pending because the balance update can only happen within a transaction. You have almost certainly already claimed shards, as it is batched in when staking or unstaking cores. Since Companions is a separate contract and you likely will not need to claim on every mint, we prompt this action if you have the pending balance of shards for the mint, but need to "realize" them to be spent.
The functionality below is planned for future versions of the contracts but are not currently live. Final implementation may deviate significantly from the descriptions below.
Every summon attempt has a chance to fail, consuming Shards without minting a Companion. The higher your Shard balance, the less chance of the summon attempt failing. This reduction in failure rate has diminishing returns in relation to your current Shard balance, capping the max benefit of hoarding a high amount of Shards.
Summoning is performed in batches, from 1 to X attempts per batch. After each batch, a 24 hour cooldown will be applied to the wallet, during which they cannot perform more Summon attempts. All summoning batches are initiated on chain and include the full details of each batch.
Companion Perks have an effective lifespan. After this lifespan, the perks will no longer be enabled for the player owning the companion, and they will need to have other companions with the same perks to cover for the loss in functionality. Effective Lifespan does not effect the remainder of the companion's functionality - e.g. cosmetic or ingame interaction, companion wander on player islands / housing, etc.
Blog Post - Cores
Blog Post - Companion Traits
First Version
The current target rate is 50 Companions per day. This rate (as well as the Base Shard Price per summon - 50 shards) may be adjusted by the Cambria team in the future (with advance notice - see ). These parameters will eventually controlled by decentralized governance.